Hi there. I am so glad you’re here! I’m a big believer in being as transparent as possible in my business, especially since by being here, you’re placing your trust in me. So let’s be sure to start off on the right foot. On this page, I am fully disclosing that I’ve included certain products and links to those products on this site that I will earn an affiliate commission for any purchases you make. My goal with this site is to help educate you on the best practices for building relationships within your real estate business, but please understand I am doing this as a for-profit business. And while I do make money through coaching and speaking (and obviously by selling real estate, too!), I want to give you as much valuable content as possible. Part of how I do this is by earning affiliate commissions to the products I recommend.
It is nearly impossible to go through and list each and every program that I have an affiliate agreement with. Given this, you should assume that any links leading you to products or services are affiliate links that I will receive compensation from just to be safe. Having said that, there are millions of products and services on the web that relate to real estate and real estate marketing. I only promote those products or services that I have investigated and/or personally use. These products and services are ones that I truly believe add value to you in your real estate business. Examples would include the links and banners for SendOutCards, Constant Contact, and Animoto. I’m also a Referral Partner for SendOutCards, which means that I have an ownership stake in a distributorship. This is by FAR my favorite relationship building tool, and as a Referral Partner I earn a commission on anyone who signs up for a subscription or even just sends a one-off card after using my link to sign up. I’m also looking for other people who love SendOutCards and are interested in earning additional income as well.
RealMarketingIDEA.com and CardEveryone.com are also participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
Please note that I usually do not receive any free products, services or anything else by these companies in exchange for mentioning them on the site. Usually the only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions or compensation as a Referral Partner. This being said, there may be times when a company does provide something free in exchange for mentioning them. I will only accept this if I believe the item/service I am recommending is valuable to you. And in such a case, the freebie will be fully disclosed on the individual blog post for that item/service.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me by using the contact form located toward the bottom of the home page of this website.
I can’t WAIT to hear how the Real IDEA Marketing Strategy and any recommended resources on this site are helping you in your success as a real estate agent!
All my best,
Jacki Semerau Tait